Monday, August 3, 2009

Meditation: Releasing and Forgiveness

Before you start this meditations and you still feel like you have unfinished tasks, right them down on a peace of paper so you can fully focus on going deep in this gratitude meditation….

Sit comfortable and relax….Take several deep breaths, close your eyes. …feel yourself ready to go deep into this meditation……Now with every inhalation you can feel a white light coming in to your body and with every exhalation you can feel all thoughts in your head flouting away. If you feel there is a chater in you minth, do not fight it and just give it to the light….. :

  1. inhale feel the light and expand your belly…..hold….exhale release all your thouths…..
  2. 1 inhale and feel the ligt and expand your belly…..hold….exhale and release all the thoughts in your mind…..
  3. inhale and expand your belly…..hold….exhale…..
  4. inhale and expand your belly…..hold….exhale…..
  5. inhale and expand your belly…..hold….exhale…..

You find yourself standing in a beautiful valley full off flowers in different colors………………………… can smell the flowers ……………….hear the birds ……. ………….feel the sun shining on your face……………it is such a wonderful place……………………you can feel the relaxing feeling that this environment gives on every level off your body and mind…………………It is the most beautiful place you have ever been……….you feel so relaxed and full off love…………………
The valley has a small river with crystal clear water……………………………….you decide to follow the river to see where it takes you…………………………………………………………………
In a distance you can see its taking you to a beautiful waterfall……………………………..…. you decide to go take a relaxing shower under the waterfall…………….
You take off your close and go in to the water………………………..………….the water feels quite warm……………………. you go standing under the waterfall…………………and it feels like……………………it is washing away all your worries ………………………………………..washing away all the stress you have in your day to day life…………………… gives you such a releasing effect…………………You can feel this on every level off your body and mind…………………enjoy this moment…………………..
You close your eyes………………………….your mind becomes more and more calm ……………….it feels like the water is becoming energy that goes true your body and cleans away all the toxins in your body…………………………………………………the energy feels like it is telling you to let go off old guilt toward yourself………………….unforgivenes toward yourself……………let go…………… can feel the energy taking it away………………………..forgive yourself……………………now that you are very powerfull……………….and deserve only good in to your life……………………..forgive yourself for everything you have done in the past that is still on your mind………………………now that people make mistakes……………………give it all to the energy………………………so it can clean your body……………..take 1 minute to do this………………..

You can feel your body is becoming lighter and more and more released……………………………….enjoy this feeling……………………………you feel very good about yourself………………………………… feel you can take over the world……………………………………………….you feel you deserve all the best in your life………………………………you now you deserve all your dreams to come true…………………….enjoy this moment off empowerment……………………..
You notice you are back…………………..standing under the waterfall………………………………you decide to go lay down between the flowers……………………..
Feel how your body feels clean…………………..Relaxed…………….enjoy this feeling
Now imagine that there is coming green energy light coming from the trees, flowers, birds to you…………….feel the energy………… is giving you a loving relaxing sensation…………………;
The energy cleans your body off all toxins, stress….it gives you an amazing feeling…………off pure love and relaxation………………….enjoy this……………………….
You notice that in front off you……….you see a group off people playing with each other………….they are dancing………..laughing and having a great time with each other……………….
You decide to go closer and see who they are…………………when you come closer you can’t believe your eyes it is are all your family members………..your friends……….all the people you love playing with each other………..dancing arm in arm………you sit down from amazement …………………you notice they are all happy …………peaceful…………………..
Now imagine that there is green energy light surrounding them……………becoming bigger and bigger………… notice this green light is coming from your hart………… your hart to them send them even more green light full off energy………………send them all your love………………………
Notice how it feels………… so much love to them……………now think about each person who is standing in the group……………see there innocence……….see how they only have good intentions……….see there love for you…….now go to them……and see and feel how they are all are hugging you……….. loving you……….. give them all a hug back………..forgive them for the things they have don you wrong…..Take 1 minute to do this……… And think about what loving words you would say to them if it was your last day on earth…………………..take 1 minutes to do this……………….
Fantastic…………now see a Hugh green light coming from all off them………….feel there love for you……….;feel the energy glowing true your body…… you only love……..feel your energy increasing………
Enjoy this moment………….feel how great full you are for having all those people in your life……………….
Now notice your breading…………..let your breading bring you back very slowely………………..move your fingers……………move your thoughts…………………….open your eyes