Monday, August 3, 2009

Meditation: Himalaya Mountain

Before you start this meditations if you still feel that you have unfinished tasks, write them down on a piece of paper so you can fully focus on going deep in this meditation….

Sit comfortably and relax….Take several deep breaths, close your eyes. …feel yourself ready to go deep into this meditation……Now with every inhalation you can feel a white light coming in to your body and with every exhalation you can feel all thoughts in your head floating away. If you feel there is a chatter in you mind, do not fight it. Give in to the light…..

  1. inhale, as you do visualize the light and expand your belly…..hold….exhale, and release all your thoughts…..
  2. inhale and feel the light and expand your belly…..hold….exhale and again, release any thoughts in your mind…..
  3. inhale and expand your belly…..hold….exhale…..
  4. inhale and expand your belly…..hold….exhale…..
  5. inhale and expand your belly…..hold….exhale…..

You find yourself standing in a beautiful valley with a beautiful view on the Himalaya Mountains….its a wonderful day and the sun is shining in your face………you are enjoying this magnificent view…..You feel very good about yourself…
The valley is full off beautiful flowers and
You are looking at the snowy tops off the Himalaya Mountains and you decide to start climbing the mountains………
During your journey you see a hugh stone staircase…… decide to follow the stairs……….there bringing you higher and higher…….It is very misty on the mountain and you can not see where the stairs are leading you……………..
You feel very curious…….and focused……………you feel you are getting closer and closer……
You can not believe your eyes…….in front off you is the most beautiful monk temple you have ever seen………….you are being greeted and welcomed………………
One off the monks is asking you to one off the main temples……………..the temple is so beautiful inside……….in front off you see a man sitting very high on a………… looks like he is meditating………..
The monk is asking you to sit in front off the man …………………….the place is surrounded with candles……………and you feel very calm and relax……………………………….you feel like you are at home…………….
Suddenly you hear a voice in your mind asking you to close your eyes………………..its like the monk in front off you is talking to you true meditation……………….
You close your eyes……………… start feeling more and more relax………… feel like you are in the deepest state off meditation you have ever been……………..
You slowly start to lose yourself……………………
There is a voice asking you to relax and answer the following questions:
Review the life you are living now, is this what you want? Are you happy with your life? Do you have passion for what your doing? Take a moment to think about this
Now see yourself at the end off your life …..would you be happy how you spend your time on this planet?
What would you like to stand for at the end off your life?
Now think about this?
Together we will find your life’s purpose by doing this simple exercise:
While doing this exercise it is very important to leave you thoughts behind about what other people want from you, money worries and obligations….give all these to the light………..
Imagine your hard is having a meter going from 0 to 100 , 0 is the things you do not like to do and it gives a bad feeling in your hard and 100 is your life purpose and gives a very joyful feeling
Think about what you are doing in the present as work in your life………how is your hard rating them?
What are the things you love to do every day and feel very good about if you do them?
When you think about those things, how is you hard rating them……
What are the things you want to stand for when you leave this planet?
When you think about those things, how is you hard rating them……
What’s your true life purpose? Give 5 possible answers to this…………
When you think about those things, see how you hard is rating them……
Take 1 minute to do this
The right answer will give you such a high emotion that you almost want to cry……….
If you find your life purpose………………..visualize yourself living your life purpose…………
Feel the emotions off living your life purpose…………… would you feel about yourself………..
Now see yourself at the end off your life if you had followed the pad off your life purpose……how would you look back to your life………………….feel grateful for finding your life purpose……………..
Make your commitment to follow your life purpose from now on and live the life off your dreams………….
Slowely you see yourself back sitting in front off the meditating monk……………..the monk has a big smile on his face and his eyes are so bright like you are looking in to heaven………….;
You thank the monk…………….for all the guidance……………….and you promise him that from now on you will find a way to live your life purpose……………….
You decide to leave the temple and go back where you came from………………..While you are going back think about your life purpose…………………how can you start leaving….your life purpose……….starting from today without having to drastically changing your life…………….
Think about the steps you can take today…………..
Living your life purpose will bring you happiness, joy , riches and much more in your life than you can imagine………..the most successful people on the planet founded a way to follow their life purpose as there career and that’s how they attracted so much success in there life……….Now its your time to live your life purpose………….and buy doing that getting everything you desire in to your life………..

As I count to five, you will slowly return to your body.

  1. … living your life purpose you will be happy...........
  2. will attract everything you desire into your life..
  3. ….begin to become aware of your body, fingers, and legs…
  4. ... give yourself a facial massage……………..
  5. your eyes……………

Now Take a peace off paper and right down:

  1. what your life purpose is…………….
  2. right down the steps you can take from today without having to change your life drastically……..
  3. Make a commitment to let nobody stop you from following your heart's desire even not yourself or your ego
  4. Your ego will try to fight you and give you all kinds off reasons why you can not follow your life purpose or why you are not ready yet……do not fight your ego, respect its opinion because it is trying to protect you….just take the actions to your life purpose on a daily basis…
  5. If you did not find your life purpose, do not worry do this meditation on a weekly basis until you find your harts true desire….and start serving a purpose today

Remember to live your day like it is your last day on this planet…and you will live your hard desire….
have a wonderful day….